Dredging and land reclamation plan for Devonport on display

Business development

The Environment Protection Authority of Tasmania has concluded its assessment of a proposal by TasPorts for proposed dredging and land reclamation in Devonport.


Dredging of approximately 45,900 cubic metres of material from the existing Berth 3 East pocket is proposed, with construction of an adjacent reclaim area to accommodate new multilevel roll-on roll-off ship ramps.

Some of the dredged material will be reused in the reclamation area subject to geotechnical and contaminant testing.

The dredging component of the works is expected to run for a 4 to 10 week period.

The Chair of the EPA Board, Mr Andrew Paul, said that the Board concluded the proposed development can be managed in an environmentally sustainable and acceptable manner, with certain conditions.

These conditions are included in an Environment Protection Notice served by the EPA to TasPorts.

“Various environmental issues were considered by the Board in its assessment, particularly noise, water quality and impacts to biodiversity. A suite of environmental conditions was imposed to ensure that impacts are appropriately managed. These include a requirement for noise and dredging management plans as well as monitoring and reporting during works,” Mr Paul said.

One representation was received in relation to the proposal.

The environmental issues raised in this representation focused on sediment impacts, including impacts to areas outside the Mersey River mouth. 

The Board’s environmental assessment report, including the environmental conditions, has been issued to TasPorts and those who made a representation.