West Grand Terre dredging complete

Business development

Dredging work on West Grand Terre is now complete, Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) said.


CPRA restored approximately 250 acres of beach and dune and 145 acres of back barrier marsh on the historic barrier island.

During the project, around 3.7 million cubic yards of material were dredged from these areas. Additionally, rock breakwaters are being constructed to support land building and increase protection from wave impacts and storm surge.

The West Grand Terre project is set to increase the width of the island and maintain shoreline integrity by introducing sediment to the dune and back barrier marsh habitat in order to increase island longevity.

Also, restoring and stabilizing this island will provide storm surge and wave attenuation, thereby addressing the issues of gulf shoreline erosion, diminished storm surge protection, and subsidence of back barrier marshes.