Bray Harbour dredging plan on display

Business development

Wicklow County Council has been successful in securing Urban Regeneration Development Funding from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to carry out improvement works to Bray Harbour.

These works will include:

Bray Harbour Action Group
  • Review potential for harbour wall extension, dredging of the waterbody for improved berthing and protection of boats from storms,
  • Amenity and Public Realm – extend amenity area, improve street lighting, paving, cycle provision and access to recreational facilities,
  • Promenade board walk linking the beach promenade with the harbour.

RPS Consultants were engaged to carry out a feasibility study and have now prepared concept drawings of proposals.

The Council is now inviting all stakeholders, user groups, residents and members of the public to attend a non-statutory public consultation information day to view the work undertaken to date and the programme for advancement of this project.

The Information Day will be held on Tuesday 6th December 2022 in the Town Hall, Main Street, Bray between 3.00pm and 6.00pm.