Te Rauone Beach gets new sand

Operations & Maintenance

The Te Rauone Beach renourishment project in New Zealand has passed another key milestone, with pumping of sand onto the beach now complete, reports Port Otago.


According to the port, the pumping phase was perfectly timed to finish in time for the sea lion breeding season. The SouthRoads team has packed up and handed over sole occupancy of the fancy new beach to the wildlife.

For this project, Port Otago used hopper dredge New Era to collect sand from the maintenance dredge area located on the edge of the harbour channel.

It is not an exaggeration to say the pumping aspect of the project went superbly well, with 28,000m³ of sand relocated over 26 pumping days. That’s an average of about 1000m³ per day, the company added.

Civil Engineer and Project Lead Andy Pullar said that this efficiency was higher than expected. “So instead of a leisurely day at the beach for the SouthRoads crew, they turned into a pale blue blur when the pump was running. The success boiled down to excellent equipment, the can-do attitude of our Marine team and our like-minded partners at SouthRoads, great community support and, of course, amazing engineering planning.”