Whanganui Port revitalisation: Consent lodged for priority dredging

Business development

Te Pūwaha, the Whanganui Port revitalisation project continues to progress, with consent for a priority dredging area lodged recently by Whanganui District Council and the Whanganui Port Operating Company.


The application requests consent to dredge the areas immediately around the three main wharves, and the proposed vessel lifting infrastructure to allow access for vessels to the port.

In addition, it will include dredging for the Wharf Street public boat ramp and a new area to the south of the ramp where a diving and bombing platform is proposed.

Port Operating Company director, Declan Millin, said: “The consent application is a milestone for this project, particularly as we prepare for construction tenders to be released in the New Year.”

“Our project team, alongside Te Mata Pūau, have been flat out preparing this consent which will not only ensure continued vessel acceess to the Port and new hardstand site, but will also create a safe swimming space for our rangatahi.”

A component of the dredging consent application will be to seek consent to remove sediment from an area to the south of the existing public boat ramp, where a bombing and swimming platform is proposed to be developed in late 2023. 

The lodging of consent is only one step in what has been an ongoing process.

It is expected that the Stage 1 dredging consent will be approved in the first half of 2023, in time for the arrival of Q-West’s mobile boat hoist with 380 tonne lift capacity.