Dredging part of the Cruz Bay project

Operations & Maintenance

The Virgin Islands National Park Service began bulkhead repairs, pier replacement and creek dredging by its Cruz Bay Visitor Center during the first week of February.

CROFT & Associates

To minimize the impact to boaters, the project is expected to proceed in phases, then move into a full closure of the area from April 25th through mid-August.

According to the Park Service, the pier will remain open while bulkhead work is occurring in February and March.

Once the bulkhead work is complete, pier replacement and dredging will take place. To safely complete this work and protect the resources, a turbidity boom will be installed.

It is anticipated the boom will be in place from April 25 to August 14. While the turbidity boom is in place, all bulkhead and pier areas will be closed to the public with no access for boats or dinghies, the Park Service said in the release.

These marine facility repairs are part of the ongoing recovery efforts from Hurricanes Irma and Maria.