MWP project in Howth running for the ACEI Awards


Malachy Walsh and Partners (MWP) has been shortlisted in the Innovation – Small/Medium Category for the ACEI Engineering Excellence Awards 2023.


The overall project relates to the upgrading of the Middle Pier in Howth FHC for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

MWP photo

The upgrading consisted of the provision of some 130m of additional berthing face, the dredging of 6000m3 of contaminated soft silt from a berthing pocket fronting the new berthage, and the reclamation of a 0.2ha area for the provision of an area of hardstanding adjacent to the new berthage.

A major element of the works was the treatment and reuse of the contaminated dredge spoil in the creation of the reclamation area.

The ACEI Engineering Excellence Awards 2023 will be presented on Friday, 31 March 2023, in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, Ireland.