Rijkswaterstaat gearing up for the next beach nourishment campaign

Operations & Maintenance

Rijkswaterstaat is ready for their next project, dredging and beach nourishment of the Nieuwvliet-Groede coastline.

Photo courtesy of Rijkswaterstaat

“In April and May 2023, we will be working on the maintenance of the coast at Nieuwvliet-Groede. We’ll use dredgers to deposit a total of 700,000m3 of sand on the beach between Het Killetje (Nieuwesluis) and Zwarte Polder (Nieuwvliet-Bad),” said Rijkswaterstaat in the release.

The main aim of this ‘beach replenishment’ campaign is to keep the coastline in place and Zeeuws-Vlaanderen well protected against the sea.

The sand for the Nieuwvliet-Groede project comes from the borrow locations, located more than 10km offshore. Hopper dredgers will suck up sand from the selected extraction areas, and pump it to the beach via a pipeline.

Onshore, bulldozers will spread the sand around allowing it to drift into the dunes again in the near future.