Spotlight on Port of NEOM, Boskalis in charge of dredging


In line with NEOM’s strategy and the Saudi Ports Authority’s efforts to transform local ports into globally competitive logistics hubs, the management of Duba Port was transferred from national maritime regulator Mawani, to NEOM in 2022.

NEOM photo

Located in Oxagon, the home of advanced and clean industries in NEOM, the port, which is the primary seaport of entry to the northwest of Saudi Arabia, is renamed as Port of NEOM.

Since the transfer, key capabilities have been expanded to match the rising volume of cargo coming into NEOM, including container and general cargo handling.

Contracts for design, dredging and quay wall construction, and cargo handling equipment have been recently awarded.

Jacobs was named as the main design consultant with Moffatt and Nichol, IGO and Trent as main subconsultants; the redesign project, valued at over SAR 180 million, spans terminals, warehouses, rail delivery, infrastructure, a sustainable energy network and more.

To participate in the competitive bidding process for the first phase of the dredging and quay wall tender, a joint venture was formed between BESIX and Modern Building Leaders, who partnered with Boskalis.

BESIX, together with Boskalis, are the first European contractors to be awarded a design and build lump sum contract for over SAR 2 billion with NEOM.

Boskalis will be responsible for the deepening and widening of the main access channel; in line with Oxagon and NEOM’s sustainable ambitions, there will be zero material discharge with recovery and reuse of materials and structures prioritized to construct earthwork platforms for the development of Oxagon.

Also, BESIX-MBL will be responsible for the design and build of over 3km of quay walls of variant types utilizing innovative construction methodologies and materials.

As part of its efforts to reduce the project’s carbon footprint, low carbon steel frames will be used for the construction of the quay walls.

According to an official statement, several crane and container equipment contracts have been awarded to Saudi Liebherr Company Ltd and Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company Limited (ZPMC).