Essex coast: Work on £10 million flood defence project begins

Business development

The Environment Agency is set to begin a multi-million project to protect a vulnerable community on the Essex coast.

Environment Agency photo

In the coming days, work will begin at Cockett Wick to strengthen and raise the seawall. More than 150 steel piles will be installed along with the construction of a new concrete wall and footpath to protect homes in Jaywick from flooding.

In excess of 14,000 tonnes of rock armour will also be placed on the sea-side of the defence to protect the strengthened wall from wave damage.

Together, the work will help to protect more than 3,000 properties and businesses.

According to EA, these changes will help to ensure this part of the Essex coast remains protected despite climate change and sea level-rise.

The defences are designed to be raised again in 50 years’ time to ensure another 50 years of protection, all while maintaining views of the sea.