Trident Marine to perform emergency dredging of Pennsylvania Harbor

Operations & Maintenance

Trident Marine Piling Company of Longport, NJ, is about to begin an emergency dredging project in Pennsylvania Harbor.

Photo courtesy of the Borough of Avalon

According to the Avalon Borough officials, material largely consisting of sand has clogged a portion of the navigation channel which requires the Borough to provide immediate attention as this provides a navigational hazard and a threat to public safety.

“The anticipated work schedule will take four days from Monday-Friday, July 24-27th. Ten-hour work days will be executed to complete the project between the hours of 7:00am-5:00pm,” the Borough said.

Around 1,800 cubic yards of hard, sandy material will be removed from the navigational channel with mechanical equipment. Eight hopper barges will be used to transport the material to land at a local marina. The material will then be trucked out of the Borough to an approved location.

In advance of the dredging project, colored, PVC pipe will be installed in the channel to show the boundaries of the project. The project will require the contractor to provide four feet of depth, with a one foot over dredge opportunity.