New multipurpose vessel Brandy Station arrives in Galveston


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Galveston District, has introduced the newest addition to their fleet – the Multipurpose Vessel (MPV) Brandy Station.

photo by Luke Waack, USACE

The MPV Brandy Station will work on missions previously completed by the MPV Snell. The Snell worked in the Galveston District from 2017 to 2023.

The new vessel made it from Wilmington, N.C. to Galveston in seven days. 

According to USACE, the new MPV has similar mission capabilities as the Snell, to include marine construction, navigation hazard removal, and clamshell and hydraulic dredging for small critical shoals in federal channels and adjacent non-federal channels.

The crew performs clamshell dredging by attaching a bucket to the onboard crane. Hydraulic dredging uses pumps and pipes to move dredge material.

photo by Luke Waack, USACE

“We have some dredging work we’re going to be doing,” said Joen Petersen, SAW Floating Plant Chief, aboard the Brandy Station, July 24, 2023. 

The MPV is also outfitted with pumps for small dredge jobs where material can be pumped 1,500 to 2,000 feet.

Additionally, the Brandy Station can support maintenance and storm relief for U.S. facilities and territories and maritime transport.