USACE partners tour Ashtabula Harbor dredging site

Operations & Maintenance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District along with partners from the Ohio EPA, the City of Ashtabula, Ohio – Municipal Government and stakeholders toured the dredging and beneficial use project site in Ashtabula Harbor in Ashtabula, Ohio.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The tour provided an opportunity for collaboration and included an up close and personal view of the dredging and placement process on the waters of Ashtabula Harbor.

USACE regularly performs maintenance dredging of federal shipping channels throughout the nation to provide ease of navigation and safe passage to larger vessels that utilize the waterways carrying products vital to the economy.

This year, the Corps is planning to dredge over 50,000 cubic yards of material from the Ashtabula Harbor as they continue to meet the critical mission of maintaining safe navigation on the Great Lakes.

This project is unique as it utilizes the dredged material from the shipping channel beneficially to build an aquatic ecosystem on the placement site in efforts to produce a wetland that will provide natural aquatic habitats.