Sandusky Harbor dredging nearly halfway done

Dredging continues in Sandusky’s upper harbor as the Army Corps, Buffalo District and partners work to hydraulically dredge material from the federal navigation channel and place in the cells of the Cedar Point Causeway Wetland Project.

Photo courtesy of Andre’ M. Hampton/USACE

The Buffalo District awarded this $1.38 million contract to Michigan-based The King Co., Inc. on June 22, 2023. A total of approximately 140,000 cubic yards of material is contracted to be hydraulically dredged from the federal navigation channel and placed in the Cedar Point Causeway Wetland Project site.

The dredging, which began Sunday, September 17, will focus on the harbor’s Upper Bay Channel and is scheduled to take place 24 hours per day through the end of October, though the work could be completed sooner.

This project, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, KS Associates, Inc., and USACE, once complete will rebuild wetland ecosystems on the shores of the Great Lakes through beneficial re-use of dredged materials.