Swansea Channel dredging work reaching final stretch


Transport for NSW Maritime is funding dredging of Swansea Channel to improve navigation and provide access to Lake Macquarie.

Photo courtesy of GPM Marine

The current dredging campaign in the Swansea Channel involves three areas: the Dog Leg; the Swan Bay Entrance; and the Drop Over.

According to the Transport for NSW, dredging at the Dog-Leg section is complete, with a post-dredge hydrographic survey now available online.

The work on the Dog Leg involved the vast majority of sand movement and improves movement through the channel,” said TfNSW in the update. “However, we understand that some vessels with larger drafts may still be impacted until the other two sections are also complete.”

The contractor – GPM Marine also completed some dredging at the Drop Over, before moving to the Swan Bay entrance for better protection from incoming adverse weather.

From 24 December, the dredge demobilized so the public can enjoy using the channel during the holidays. The contractor will be back on site to remobilize the dredge and resume works in January.