Alert issued on Overlook Beach erosion

In light of the devastating impact recent storms have had on Overlook Beach, Town of Babylon Supervisor Rich Schaffer recently held a press conference to emphasize the gravity of this situation and urge the Army Corps to include the beach in its upcoming beach erosion control dredging project.

Photo courtesy of the Town of Babylon

This is a bipartisan effort between our town, county, state and federal levels of government,” declared Supervisor Schaffer. “By working together, we will be able to get the state and federal government to assist us in finding a temporary solution to enjoy the summer of 2024, as well as a long-term solution because mother nature will continue to act.”

The sand at Overlook Beach was last replaced by USACE a decade ago, prompting vulnerability to recent storms. The beach pavilion and playground are currently in danger of being washed out to sea as a result of the mean high tide of Overlook Beach now existing within 120 feet of the structures.

In order to address the urgency of the situation, a bipartisan coalition of federal, state and local officials is collaborating to demand action be taken to mitigate the harmful erosion of Overlook Beach, as well as the rest of Long Island’s South Shore.

Specifically, they agreed to continue advocating for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to collaborate with Suffolk County and the Town of Babylon for the swift approval of the pending emergency shoreline replenishment request.