Beach replenishment completed in Scheveningen

Beach Nourishment

Rijkswaterstaat recently successfully completed another beach replenishment project – the Scheveningen beachfill campaign.

Photo courtesy of Rijkswaterstaat

During the works, a total of 700,000 m3 of sand was dredged and spread over the beach, between the harbor head and the beach north of the Pier.

The project, completed late last year, will provide better protection from future storms and sea level rise to Scheveningen, The Hague and the surrounding areas.

Need for coastal maintenance

More than a quarter of the Netherlands is below sea level and vulnerable to flooding. Millions of Dutch people live and work in these areas. Working on protection against high water and storm surges is therefore an ongoing necessity in the Netherlands.

Together with the water boards, Rijkswaterstaat maintains the Dutch coast by spraying sand on and just off the coast, keeping the coastline in place. In this way, the Netherlands remains well protected against the sea.