GLDD wraps up coastal project ahead of schedule

Beach Nourishment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, has completed placing 500,000 cubic yards of sand along 4,100 feet of coastline in Downtown Montauk, NY.

Photo courtesy of USACE

With favorable weather conditions allowing for completion ahead of schedule, the $11.7 million project also refurbished dunes eroded by a series of storms.

The contractor, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock used their hopper dredge ELLIS ISLAND to dredge sand 2000 feet off-shore in the Atlantic Ocean and place it on the shoreline.

It’s just one aspect of the $2.4 billion Fire Island to Montauk Point (FIMP) Coastal Storm Risk Management Project reducing flood risk to low-lying communities along 83 miles of coastline rom Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point.