Virginia International Gateway dredging project on display


The Virginia Port Authority (VPA) is working on a new dredging project that will provide safe navigation for the Ultra Large Container Vessels on the Elizabeth River in Portsmouth.

Photo courtesy of the Virginia Port Authority

VPA has proposed to perform new and maintenance dredging by mechanical and/or hydraulic methods to widen and deepen the 3,962 foot approach channel and berthing areas at its leased facility known as Virginia International Gateway (VIG).

The dredge material is to be hydraulically pumped to Craney Island Dredge Material Management Area (CIDMMA), barged to Craney Island Rehandling Basin or Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site (NODS), and/or an approved upland disposal location.

The Virginia Port Authority estimates that approximately 4.5 million cubic yards of material will be removed from the 192.5 acre VIG site during the 10-year maintenance cycle with approximately 2.7 million cubic yards of dredge material removed initially and 900,000 cubic yards of dredge material removed per maintenance cycle.

To read more about the proposed work, please see the Army Corps website.