Port of Aveiro launches public tender for maintenance dredging


The Port of Aveiro, Portugal, launched a public tender for a maintenance dredging contract yesterday.

photo courtesy of portodeaveiro.pt

With a basic value of more than EUR1.2 million, the dredging work will take place in the fishing ports of Largo and Costeiro, the Jardim Oudinot leisure port and the maneuvering areas.

According to Eduardo Feio, President of the Board of Directors of the Port of Aveiro, “this work represents an important investment to improve port operations and navigation safety in the channels and piers of the Port of Aveiro.”

All the material removed from the intervention areas, around 161,000m3, will be dumped south of the Costa Nova headlands, in order to strengthen the coastal drift and the dune cord.

The dredging program is set to restore the level of service that guarantees normal navigational conditions for the commercial fleet that uses the port.