Portland Harbor CAD Cell and Dredge project moves forward


The City of Portland has secured enough funding to move forward with the Portland Harbor CAD Cell and Dredge project.

Greater Portland Council of Governments photo

The City and its partners have been working for years to secure the necessary funding as the project is critical to the overall success and future of Portland’s working waterfront.

After the scope of the project was scaled back slightly, the project was able to secure $10 million from the State of Maine via the Governor’s Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan.

Funding sources also include $1.45 million in U.S. EPA Brownfields services, $6 million from the Maine Department of Transportation, $4 million from the City of Portland, $1 million from the City of South Portland, and $2.64 million in private tipping fees from wharf and pier owners participating in the first phase of the project. 

“We’re delighted to learn that we’ve secured the final piece of funding and can now move forward with implementation,” said Portland City Manager Danielle West.

This public private partnership is crucial to maintaining the working waterfronts in Portland and South Portland. I’m so thankful to our City staff and community partners who worked tirelessly for many years on the planning and fundraising. Their work is a testament to not only their dedication but the belief in how instrumental this project will be in ensuring our waterfront continues to thrive.” 

The Dredge Project includes 47 properties along Portland Harbor’s waterfront adjacent to private and publicly owned piers and waterfront areas including 21 piers, 10 marinas/boat yards, the Portland public boat launch and the Portland commercial barge landing.

Total dredge volume is estimated at 244,678 cubic yards with 2,038,000 square feet (46.8 acres) of dredge impact. Dredged material disposal will be into the Portland Harbor CAD cell.

Dredging is expected to occur over a three-year period.