The Netherlands: Sand and Stone Levels in Maasvlakte 2 Project

Around 240 million m3 of sand is needed to construct the first phase of Maasvlakte 2.

At its peak, about 3 million m3 of sand a week was being shifted, while it’s now a little less hectic with over 1 million m3 a week.

That’s what you would achieve if every inhabitant of the Netherlands brought along six buckets of sand every week. At the beginning of August 2010, the meter was at 156 million m3 of sand added.

Nearly 300,000 tons of stone is already in position in the future hard sea defence. Ultimately, 5 million tons of newly extracted quarrystone will end up in the new hard seawall, along with 2 million tons of quarrystone from the present sea defences that can be reused.

Every fortnight, 90,000 tons of stone is discharged at contractor PUMA’s door. Halfway through July, the meter showed 1.4 million tons of stone delivered.


Source: Maasvlakte 2, September 1, 2010