The Netherlands: Dune Viaduct Takes Shape

Project & Tenders

The future ring roads just behind the new Maasvlakte 2 seawall will give a beautiful view across coast and dunes on one side and of the port area activities on the other.

Nature and industry, recreation and activities will come together in one image. Such contrasts provided the architects from Zwarts & Jansma with the inspiration for the design of the dune viaducts. These gradeseparated junctions will lead the traffic from the outside road to the coast or to the port.


The first dune viaduct will be delivered by M. N. O. Vervat at the end of 2011. This grade-separated junction, a continuation of the A15, will open up the current Distripark. Rail, road and cycle paths cross each other on different levels. At the junctions the road appears to be more or less buried into the dunes. The dune viaduct retaining walls are designed organically, with curved and round shapes. The robust and sturdy industrial form and rhythm of the bridges and viaducts, on the other hand, make the link with the port area.

The colour scheme of the pigmented concrete also emphasises the contrast: the retaining walls are finished in white concrete, while the bridges are dark grey. In this way, the dune viaduct forms the connecting link between the two contrasting worlds of nature and port. Two to three dune viaducts will be constructed on the ring road in the coming years to open up the new port site.


Source: Maasvlakte 2, July 14, 2011