Australia: Cutter Suction Dredging in Gladstone Harbour Halted

Cutter Suction Dredging in Gladstone Harbour Halted

As part of the adaptive approach to manage the dredging project, a voluntary suspension of cutter suction dredging is in place.

Yesterday, cutter suction dredging operations were stopped.

The decision was taken in response to high turbidity recordings in the Western Basin to allow turbidity levels to return to normal as soon as possible.

All project operations are carried out in strict accordance with the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments’ approvals, including a number of stringent environmental conditions.

One aspect of the project conditions require turbidity to be monitored at 15 minute intervals. The water quality data is routinely shared with the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM).

Normal dredging operations are expected to resume when turbidity levels at all water quality monitoring sites fall back below the levels set for the project.

Turbidity levels in the Gladstone harbour have been affected by the king tides currently occurring.

Gladstone Ports Corporation is committed to carrying out the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project with care and respect for our environment.

GPC has employed world’s best practice for dredging as part of the Project, with stringent environmental standards in place.


Dredging Today Staff, January 25, 2012; Image: westernbasinportdevelopment