Canada: Victoria Park Lake Dredging Progresses Well

The dredging of the 100-year-old Victoria Park Lake is nearing the end of the heavy construction phase with approximately 85,000 tons of sediment and native soils being removed and hauled to the Region of Waterloo’s landfill site in Cambridge, reports.

Other significant completions include: deepening the lake to three metres in most areas to assist with cooling the water and improving hydraulics; reinforcing the 2.2-kilometre lake edge using over 4,000 concrete blocks and nearly 2,000 natural stones; and repairing the abutments and piers at the Heritage Bridge.

The next phase of the project focuses on the area between Fountain Bridge and the railway tracks and includes construction of a forebay. This is a key component of this project that will capture most of the sediment and allow for easy removal.

Only one more month of heavy construction is expected. This is impressive considering the complexity of the project, the tight work area, the precipitation resulting from a milder than usual winter, and the unknowns that are typically encountered when working with old infrastructure. The overall completion date is June 2012.


Dredging Today Staff, March 23, 2012;