PIANC UK 2012 Annual Conference – Call for Papers

PIANC UK 2012 Annual Conference Call for Papers

PIANC UK has issued a Call for Papers for its 2012 Annual Conference. This Conference will take place 19 October 2012, at The Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street London, SW1P 3AA.

The theme of the Annual Conference of the UK Section of PIANC will be Learning from Experiences, and will look at future ports and maritime infrastructure and lessons from the past.

These include:

– What can we learn from our mistakes – and the mistakes of others – and how do we avoid making similar mistakes in the future?

– What, with hindsight, would we have done differently?

– With experience, what will we do differently next time?

– What have we already that is new, different and successful?

The Conference will provide a prestigious platform for presentation and discussion of the latest knowledge and experience for all professionals engaged in navigation, ports and waterways including senior managers, directors, government policy makers, designers, contractors and researchers.

Dredging Today Staff, March 28, 2012; Image: PIANC