Borough Reopens Bidding on Edgewater Marina Dredging (USA)

Borough Reopens Bidding on Edgewater Marina Dredging

After its first attempt to find contractors to remove silt from the Hudson River found no takers, the borough will reopen bidding on the Edgewater Marina dredge project.

According to, the New Jersey side of the river faces a continual build-up of sediment and mud in its jetties and coves, making it difficult for boats to navigate the marina’s waters.

Edgewater purchased its own $404,000 dredge machine in December.

Borough Administrator Greg Franz asked the council to consider authorizing another bid opening in light of the poor turnout.

We’re hopeful this will work out,” said Franz.


Dredging Today Staff, June 1, 2012; Image: edgewaternj