Greens: Government Must Rein in Rogue Gladstone Dredgers (Australia)

Government Must Rein in Rogue Gladstone Dredgers

Turbidity data released today by Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) show that GPC has breached its Environmental Authority again by exceeding the turbidity limit for five days running, and government must now intervene to protect the Harbour and the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

“This is symptomatic of everything that’s wrong with our management of our Great Barrier Reef – on the very day that UNESCO warned Australia that the Reef is only months away from a ‘world heritage in danger’ listing, GPC’s dredging program was breaching turbidity limits in Gladstone Harbour within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area,” said Australian Greens environment spokesperson, Senator Larissa Waters.

“This is exactly why UNESCO recommended that Australia undertake an independent review of the management arrangements for Gladstone Harbour. The existing water quality rules are too weak and even they are being flouted.”

GPC is not permitted to keep turbidity levels in the Harbour above the 99th percentile for more than 48 hours continuously, yet it routinely flirts with this limit when tidal conditions make compliance more difficult – and has now breached it for five days running.

“It is not acceptable for GPC to blame the tides. The tides are a predictable and natural part of the ecology of the Harbour and it is GPC’s responsibility to manage its dredging program within those limits.

“If the Queensland Government has any real concern for the Great Barrier Reef, the fishing and tourism industries that rely upon it, or the health of the Gladstone community, it must act to address this clear breach of GPC’s Environmental Authority.

“If the Queensland Government will not act, then the Federal Government must step in to protect our World Heritage icon from the industrial sludge being dredged up from the Harbour floor.”


Dredging Today Staff, June 4, 2012; Image: westernbasinportdevelopment