The Netherlands: CEDA, EuDA, ESPO and PIANC Work Together

CEDA, EuDA, ESPO and PIANC Work Together

The existing legal framework relating to the management of dredged sediments is complex.

Placement at sea is regulated by the London Convention and its Protocol and by various regional sea conventions such as the OSPAR Convention. On European level both the EC Waste Framework Directive and the Water Framework Directive apply. Dredged sediments are “more or less in between regulations”.

The revised Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) excludes dredged material from the scope, provided that the material is non-hazardous. However, uncertainties how to establish hazardousness remain.

In order to simplify and modernise European waste legislation, and to address those uncertainties a working group has been set up under the Waste Directive consisting of representatives of the Member States and the Commission to prepare a proposal for the necessary amendments to the List of Waste and the hazardous properties. The working group prepared a Technical Proposal entitled “Consultation on the Review of the Hazardous Properties”.

As this proposal has implications for the management of dredged sediments, lead on behalf of the CEDA Environment Commission by Pieter de Boer (Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Netherlands) four international associations in the fields of dredging and navigation submitted joint comments: The Central Dredging Association (CEDA), the European Dredging Association (EuDA), the Europan Sea Ports Association (ESPO) and the International Navigation Association (PIANC) participated in the work.

This activity is a follow up of the joint CEDA, EuDA and ESPO Workshop on Dredged Material and the Implementation of the new EU Waste Directive organised by in 2010.



Dredging Today Staff, June 5, 2012; Image: dredging