USA: Palm Beach Island to Be Beach Renourishment Model

Palm Beach Island to Be State Model for Beach Renourishment

South Florida beach renourishment program will get a new plan to avoid frequent sand storms in these areas, according to SunSentinel.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection presented a plan to make Palm Beach Island a model of cooperative beach projection.

Danielle Fondren, chief of the environmental agency’s Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems stated: “We want to manage the beach as a regional resource, as opposed to project by project, or permit by permit.”

The draft of the agreement should be ready this summer, with a final one in December.

After it is fully devised, this program will attempt to coordinate beach renourishment projects, funding, the dredging of offshore sand, the maintenance of anti-erosion structures and other activities to protect beaches across 15.7 miles of shoreline.

If it proves to be successful, the program will be applied on other beaches as well.


Dredging Today Staff, June 20, 2012; Image: