“Dredging in India” Conference Set for August

Dredging in India Conference Set for August

The Indian Infrastructure magazine is organising the third annual conference on “Dredging in India- Needs and Requirements, Strategies and Solutions” on August 27-28, 2012, at ITC Maratha, Mumbai.

The mission of this conference is to provide an update on the dredging industry in India, focus on the current and future needs and requirements, identify emerging opportunities, and discuss key issues and challenges. This conference will also showcase noteworthy projects and technology solutions. The conference will seek to answer questions such as:

– What are the key trends in and growth drivers for the dredging industry in India?

– What is the perspective of major dredging companies on the industry’s development?

– What initiatives are being taken to address the issues and concerns of the stakeholders?

– What are the major dredging needs and requirements at the major ports?

– What are the major dredging needs and requirements at non-major ports?

– How are dredging projects being currently financed in India? What is the economics of a dredging project (capex, returns, etc.)?

– What are the broad environmental consequences of dredging operations?

– What are the types of dredging contracts used in India?

– What are the tax-related and other regulatory issues and concerns for the Indian dredging sector?

– What are the noteworthy dredging projects (completed or under development)?

– What is the current status of inland dredging projects?

The conference will have 12 sessions: Key Trends and Outlook, Industry Perspective, Government Perspective, Dredging Needs at Major Ports, Dredging Needs at Non-Major Ports, Funding Dredging Projects, Environmental Issues and Solutions, Contract Management, Tax and Regulatory Regime, Project Showcase, Focus on Technology and Equipment and Deepening of Inland Waterways.

This conference will be useful to managers and officials from major port trusts, dredging companies, private port operators, maritime boards, dredging contractors, dredging sub-contractors, design consultants, dredging equipment providers, financial institutions/banks/equity analysts, funding/development agencies, shipping companies, state port departments, private contractors, consultancy organisations, etc.


Dredging Today Staff, July 2, 2012