UK: CHC Unveils Plan for Outer Harbour Breakwater

CHC Unveils Plan for Outer Harbour Breakwater

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has been working to deliver an Outer Harbour breakwater, providing East Cowes and Cowes (together ‘Cowes’) with a true, sheltered harbour.

The HCA has confirmed their on-going support and funding commitment for the Outer Harbour breakwater as part of their investment to the East Cowes Project.

Protecting the Harbour and the local economy

Cowes is not a natural harbour and is very exposed to weather from the northerly quadrant highlighted by significant gales this season which resulted in the sinking of five yachts in the harbour.

The breakwater will:

• Protect the vessels moored within our harbour, extending the sailing season.

• Reduce the risk of damage to waterside businesses and premises.

• Create an environment where new businesses can be enabled to set up on sites which were previously too exposed, bringing new employment and investment opportunities into Cowes and the Isle of Wight.

• Enable an HCA-led marina development capable of accommodating larger yachts and providing the opportunity to attract new events to the Island.

• Reduce the risk of ferry connections being affected by adverse berthing conditions and the “knock-on” effect that it has on Island trade and tourism.

• Establish Cowes as a destination for small visiting cruise ships, by providing improved shelter for Trinity Landing.

The tendering stage for the breakwater construction contractor is due to be completed by end December. This should lead to construction of the breakwater commencing in the spring of 2013.


Dredging Today Staff, August 16, 2012; Image: cowesharbourcommission