Great News for Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port (USA)

Business & Finance

Great News for Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has given bonds issued through the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority’s Common Bond Fund program a BBB/Stable rating, stating that it views the program’s enterprise risk profile as “strong.”

The Port’s program has been an important economic development tool for the region, facilitating a wide range of construction and expansion projects. Since 1997, the Port has issued $129 million of revenue bonds through the program and currently has $67.9 million of bonds outstanding.

The fixed-rate financing program makes it possible for enterprises to access the U.S. capital markets and borrow money at investment-grade rates. The new S&P rating will allow the Port program to be even more competitive by offering lower financing rates and access to a larger pool of potential investors.

The dollars raised from selling the revenue bonds are not Port Authority dollars; instead they come from investors in the capital market.

“This upgrade is very welcome news because it will help us provide more attractive financing to a growing number of enterprises across our region,” said Port CEO Will Friedman.


Press Release, October 1, 2012