The Netherlands: Deltares Performs Scale Test with Coral Reef

Business & Finance

Deltares Performs Scale Test with Coral Reef

Deltares is performing scale test with a coral reef in the Scheldt Flume in Delft.

The tests, commissioned by the University of Western Australia in Perth, are to be completed at the end of November.

Aim of the tests is to find out to what extent the disintegration of the coral reef affects wave exposure and the subsequent effects on the coastal area beyond. Deltares is working together with researchers of the University of Western Australia led by prof. Ryan Lowe, a coral expert.

The Deltares software model XBeach will be adjusted conform the test results. According to Ap van Dongeren, Deltares wave specialist and project leader, XBeach can only be used for sandy coasts, but in about six months time, it can also be used for all coral coasts.


Press Release, November 19, 2012