Russia: Lavrishchev Participated in Water Transport Economic Conference

Lavrishchev Participated in Water Transport Economic Conference

The FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director Andrey Lavrishchev predented his report on the Strategy of Development of the Russian Sea Port Infrastructure at the Water Transport Economic Conference which was held in the framework of the Transport of Russia Forum on December 7, 2012.

Among the participants of the event were the Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Viktor Olersky, Head of Rosmorrechflot Aleksander Davydenko, CEO of the Russian Sea Trade Ports Association Serik Zhusupov, and other representatives of the transport organizations.

The participants of the discussion underlined the necessity to develop the water transport infrastructure with the aim to increase its competitiveness and to attract additional cargo. Special attention was given to the issues of modernization of the sea ports and the Russian sea fleet, and making it less dependant from the import of the sea transport services.


Press Release, December 11, 2012; Image: rosmorport