USA: Glacier National Park Invites Comments on River Dredging Plan

Glacier National Park Invites Comments on River Dredging Plan

Public comments are encouraged by Jan. 3 on a proposal for streambed maintenance and riprap installation at bridges and culverts along Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park, reports dailyinterlake.

A number of culverts and bridges along Glacier National Park’s Going-to-the-Sun Road, including the historic Logan Creek Bridge, are located where high water and flooding occur frequently.

Sediment and debris from flooding can completely clog bridge spans and culverts and, in some cases, result in unstable channel alignments that are prone to flooding.

To maintain stream flow, allow for improved flood water conveyance, and protect historic bridges and culvert headwalls, the park is proposing to remove, or dredge, sediments and place riprap as needed at bridges and culverts along the GTSR.

Dredging Today Staff, December 14, 2012; Image: GlacierNPS