GPC: Compensation Available to Gladstone Fishing Operators (Australia)

Business & Finance

Compensation Available to Gladstone Fishing Operators

Applications are now open for individuals and entities to apply for compensation under the WBDDP Commercial Fisheries Compensation Program being conducted by Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPC) to provide compensation to eligible commercial fishing operators affected by a loss of access to fishing areas and marine fish habitat in the Western Basin of the Port of Gladstone due to maritime development in that region.

As port authority for the Port of Gladstone, GPC is the proponent for the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (WBDDP); which is being undertaken to accommodate the long term dredging and disposal of dredged material that is required to provide safe and efficient vessel movement to the existing and proposed Gladstone Western Basin port facilities.

In July 2010, the Queensland Coordinator-General issued the “Coordinator-General’s Report for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project’, which recommended that the WBDDP proceed subject to a number of conditions and recommendations outlined in that report.

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Press Release, March 12, 2013