USA: Arthur Kill Dredging Plan Introduced

Business & Finance

Arthur Kill Dredging Plan Introduced

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District intends to issue an Invitation for Bids (IFB) to perform maintenance dredging in the Arthur Kill, Ward Point Bend and Seguine Point Bend Reaches of the New York and New Jersey Channels, Federal Navigation Project.

The Ward Point Bend sediment was tested and meets the criteria for remediation material at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) and is therefore proposed to be placed at the HARS. The dredged material from Arthur Kill and Seguine Point Bend would be placed at a suitable upland site(s) furnished by the contractor, permitted by the State and approved by the Government.

The proposed maintenance dredging program would remove approximately 308,490 cubic yards of sediment (approx. 39,045 cubic yards as basic work, and the remaining 269,445 cubic yards including 113,460 cubic yards for HARS placement as options), subject to the availability of funds.

Dredging in the project work area will be required to a depth of 35 feet below Mean Low Water (MLW) with 2 feet allowable over-depth.

Plans and Specifications for the subject project will be available on/about April 11, 2013 with bid opening on/about May 13, 2013.

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Source:, March 18, 2013