Army Corps Prepares Three Dredging Projects (USA)

Business & Finance

Army Corps Prepares Three Dredging Projects

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has introduced a plan for the maintenance dredging projects as follows:

– Little Wicomico River dredging (Northumberland County, VA);

– Isle of Wight dredging (Ocean City Worcester County, MD);

– Sinepuxent Bay dredging (Ocean City Worcester County, MD).


The maintenance dredging of the Little Wicomico River must be performed using a hydraulic pipeline dredge. The proposed work consists of maintenance dredging the outermost 1,000 feet of the Federal channel to the authorized depth of 8 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), plus 2 feet of advanced maintenance dredging and 1 foot of allowable overdepth; and the width of 150 feet.

The material will be placed via pipeline, onto a beach area that is inhabited with an endangered species of beetle. The dredge pipeline will be routed to minimize impacts to the habitat of the northeastern beach tiger beetle, which is located along the beach between the placement site and the Federal channel entrance. Care must be taken with the use of heavy equipment on the beach to avoid impacts to the beetles. Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of material consisting primarily of sand, silt, mud, shell and combinations thereof, are to be dredged.

The maximum pumping distance is approximately 1.5 miles. Dredging is expected to occur sometime between the fall 2013 and spring 2014. The period of performance will be approximately 45 calendar days.

The magnitude of construction for this project is estimated between $250,000.00 and $500,000.00.


The maintenance dredging of the Isle of Wight channel must be performed with a hydraulic pipeline dredge. The proposed work consists of maintenance dredging approximately 3000 feet of the Federal channel to the authorized depth of 6 feet MLLW, plus 1 foot of allowable overdepth and widths of 125 and 75 feet.

The pipeline must be passed through a storm drain under the island from the back bay to the ocean front. The pipeline will then emerge from the drain and onto the beach where placement will occur. A dozer needs to be on the beach to contour the material, cut proper drainage, and move the pipeline. Dredging is expected to occur sometime between the fall and spring. The maximum pumping distance will be about 8,000 feet. Approximately 25,000 cubic yards of material consisting primarily of fine grained sand, are to be dredged.

Dredging will be performed between Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. The period of performance will be approximately 30 calendar days.

The magnitude of construction for this project is estimated between $250,000.00 and $500,000.00.


The maintenance dredging of the Sinepuxent Bay channel is expected to occur along the entire channel length of 12 miles. The proposed work consists of maintenance dredging the Federal channel to the authorized depth of 6 feet MLLW, plus 1 foot of allowable overdepth and widths of 150 and 100 feet.

Hydraulic dredging is required and at least 15,000 feet or more of pipeline will be needed. Material could be placed on the State beach, or islands could be created along the channel. Booster pumps may be needed to transport some of the material to farther distances. Equipment will be required to shape the beach nourishment or island creation.

Material is fine grained sand with some silt. Dredging is expected to occur between fall and spring. Dredge quantities are expected to be in excess of 150,000 cubic yards. The period of performance will be approximately 120 calendar days.

The magnitude of construction for this project is estimated between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000.00.

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Source:, March 27, 2013