Australia: Gippsland Ports Announces Completion of Dredging Program

Business & Finance

Gippsland Ports Announces Completion of Dredging Program

Gippsland Ports announced the successful completion of the 2012-2013 maintenance dredging program on the bar and inner channels at Lakes Entrance.

The dredging program, to provide reliable ocean access to and from the Gippsland Lakes, is funded by the Victorian Government.

This dredging program commenced on 19 October 2012 and concluded on 9 December 2012 and was carried out by Van Oord Australia P/L. “Pelican” moved approximately 245,000 cubic metres of clean oceanic sand.

The dredging activities undertaken by Gippsland Ports are the subject of stringent environmental controls, overseen by both the State and Commonwealth regulatory authorities to ensure the values of the Ramsar listed Gippsland Lakes are protected. The 2012 program is currently being independently audited for compliance with consent conditions.


Press Release, April 4, 2013