GPC: Gladstone Harbour Dredging is Nearing Its End (Australia)

Business & Finance

Gladstone Harbour Dredging is Nearing Its End

A massive dredging program in the Gladstone Harbour, located in the central Queensland region, is nearing its completion, according to the Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC).

This capital development project could be wrapped up as early as August, 15 months prior to the scheduled date, reports ABC News.

A large part of this dredging program is completed, said Peter O’Sullivan, the project leader, and added: “At the moment we’re hopeful that if things go according to plan and the equipment performs as we expect, that by about August this year we will have completed the dredging. Then probably another couple of months to do some works on the reclamation area.”

Approximately 16,000,000 cubic metres of material has been removed from the Western Basin so far, which is approximately 62% of the total project capacity of 26 million cubic metres.

A new dredger called the Athena arrived in Gladstone last week to expedite this dredging program. It is expected to remain on the project until July 2013.


Dredging Today Staff, May 22, 2013