Deltares Organizes Mini Symposium (The Netherlands)

Deltares Organizes Mini Symposium

Universiteit Twente, Universiteit Utrecht and Deltares will organize the mini symposium ‘Adaptive Delta Management: How science can support decision making under uncentainty’ on Thursday 20 June.

The future is uncertain. Still, we have to make decisions, e.g. on how we want to develop and protect our living environment under these uncertain futures. Deltaic areas face both uncertainties from climate change and socio-economic developments. Their high socio-economic and environmental value and low-lying location makes them vulnerable to these uncertainties,” stated Deltares.

The Dutch Delta Programme presented Adaptive Delta Management as an approach that is directed towards the safety and socio-economic targets and at the same time flexible in how and when to implement management interventions.

The key challenge is now: how to make this approach operational? Decisions on the short run should remain sustainable in the long run. Scientists try to develop operational approaches to deal with these uncertainties. An emerging novel approach is to develop adaptation pathways as alternative for the traditional ‘end-point’ scenarios, to support robust decision making now,” they added.

This mini symposium will highlight some of these scientific developments and discusses their usefulness, among others in the present decision making process in the Netherlands on how to develop and protect the Rhine Delta.

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Press Release, May 24, 2013