Greens: Point Peron Dredging to Contaminate Marine Life (Australia)

Business & Finance

Point Peron Dredging to Contaminate Marine Life

A new study has revealed dredging for proposed canal housing at Point Peron would contaminate marine life in the area, strengthening the case against the planned development.

The threat dredging poses to local fisheries and marine life is one of many reasons this development is totally inappropriate for Point Peron,” said Greens Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam.

“The EPA’s approval of this scheme is another in a long list of approvals that prove the Barnett Government can’t be trusted to protect the environment. I will be pursuing this matter in the Senate Estimates Hearings – taking it directly to the Federal Environment Department.

“The land at Point Peron was transferred from the Commonwealth to the State on the strict condition that it be used only as a reserve for recreation and/or parkland. The plan to destroy this natural environment to build private canal housing violates that 1964 agreement and I will be urging Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke to intervene.

“The number of appeals submitted to the EPA demonstrates the massive community opposition to this out-dated and inappropriate development,” said Senator Ludlam.

Hands Off Point Peron spokesperson Dawn Jecks said “the proposed area is on the edge of the Shoalwater Islands marine park which attracts tourists from all over the world – that local tourist industry is at risk”.

Point Peron is already managed by the State Government as a ‘Bush Forever’ site and part of the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park. The place is home to numerous state and nationally listed species including migratory birds, ancient thrombolites, sea grass meadows and sedge grasses. Yet despite this acknowledgement of the land’s importance, Point Peron is under siege by a Premier obsessed with reckless commercial and industrial expansion; and the new study exposes just how dangerous this plan is,” said Ms Jecks.


Press Release, May 27, 2013