Port of Weipa: Long Term Dredge Management Plan (Australia)

Business & Finance

Long Term Dredge Management Plan

North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) undertakes annual maintenance dredging at the Port of Weipa. A Long Term Dredge Management Plan (LTDMP) was developed by SKM in August 2009 to support an application to the Commonwealth for a 10 Year Sea Dumping Permit. In addition, two addendum documents developed by NQBP were provided to the Commonwealth to support the SKM Plan.

The granted Sea Dumping Permit ties to an approved Long Term Dredge Management Plan (LTDMP) for maintenance dredging activities at the Port. The LTDMP previously existed in three parts:

1. Long Term Environmental management plan for dredging and Dumping Activities – developed by SKM on 31 August 2009 – (Document reference: E10/35310);

2. Addendum 1 – developed by NQBP on 8 March 2010 – (Document reference: E10/47419)

3. Addendum 2 – developed by NQBP on 12 May 2010 – (Document reference: E10/28219)

Furthermore, a condition of the Commonwealth Sea Dumping Permit (condition 9) defines that ‘the hydrodynamic modeling of the Port of Weipa is to be validated by NQBP in the 2010 dredging campaign’, the results of which were to be provided to the Department within 12 months (being 28 June 2011).

NQBP is implementing this LTDMP as part of a 10 year maintenance dredging and disposal permit, fulfilling the goals of strategic planning and operational surety for the Port, while facilitating the ongoing protection of the marine environment, and recognising the interest of associated stakeholders. The Port of Weipa LTDMP follows guidance outlined within the NAGD (Commonwealth of Australia 2009), and requirements for dredging approval outlined by the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP). It includes the following information:

• Overall Management Framework, including:

– Commonwealth and state legislation;

– Purpose of the TACC;

– Port management systems;

• Description of the dredging works, including:

– Annual maintenance dredging requirements and dredged material disposal at the Port;

– Location and timing of dredging activities;

• Description of the existing environment;

• Description of material for disposal, including the history of sediment contamination at the Port of Weipa;

• Description of potential impacts;

• Management strategies and actions;

• Contingency arrangements;

• Provisions for continuous improvement;

• Auditing requirements and reporting; and

• Provisions for review of the management plan.

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Press Release, June 14, 2013