Labor Supports Greens Reef Dumping Ban (Australia)

Business & Finance

Labor Supports Greens Reef Dumping Ban

A Greens motion to stop sediment dumping in the Great Barrier Reef has passed the Senate today.

“With two days of sitting left, Labor has belatedly decided that allowing the big mining companies to dump sediment in the Great Barrier Reef is a bad idea,Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens environment spokesperson, said.

“This sudden enlightenment comes after Labor has approved the dumping of at least 17.5 million cubic metres of sediment in the Great Barrier Reef.

“With the World Heritage Committee warning that we’ve only got one year left to save the Great Barrier Reef from being added to the in-danger list, it’s a relief to see Labor finally acknowledge that sediment dumping is destroying our reef.

“But Labor has been letting the big mining companies treat the Great Barrier Reef as a dumping ground for years and with that track record and hardly any Parliamentary time left, this seems like all talk and no action.

“The reef would fare no better under an Abbott Government. Reports of Tony Abbott’s draft reef policy, shared only with selected media outlets, have no mention of protecting the reef from dredging or dumping.

“Only the Greens can be trusted to care for the Great Barrier Reef, with our policy of no new reef dredging or dumping.

“Through wave and current action, dredge spoil dumped in the reef travels throughout this World Heritage Area, smothering and corals, and seagrass beds which are feeding grounds for dugongs,” Senator Waters said.


Press Release, June 26, 2013