Greens: Reef is Under Pressure Like Never Before (Australia)

Business & Finance

Reef is Under Pressure Like Never Before

The Australian Greens today welcomed funding to tackle crown of thorns starfish in the Great Barrier Reef but are alarmed that the old parties continue to ignore far more pressing dangers.

Labor is sticking its head in the sand when it comes to the real threats facing the Great Barrier Reef,Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens environment spokesperson, said.

“The reef is under pressure like never before – the big mining companies are treating this World Heritage Area as a dumping ground for dredge spoil and a shipping superhighway.

“But all Labor is doing is topping up funding for existing programs, while turning a blind eye to these damaging new impacts being inflicted by the big mining companies.

“Only the Greens are standing up to the big mining companies, with a policy of no new dredging or dumping in the Great Barrier Reef,” Senator Waters said.


Press Release, July 18, 2013