USA: Corps Seeks Comment on Dredged Material Placement at Essman Island

Business & Finance

Corps Seeks Comment on Dredged Material Placement at Essman Island

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, recently completed a draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for a project to place dredged material from the Mississippi River 9-foot navigation channel in a previously-used disposal site on Essman Island located near Guttenberg, Iowa.

The proposed project is to place material dredged from the McMillan Island Dredge Cut in an abandoned sand and gravel pit on Esmann Island. The Esmann Island site has been disturbed by five previous dredged material placement events between 1985 and 1992. The quantity of material estimated for placement this year is approximately 50,000 cubic yards.

The Essman Island Association requested the dredged material be placed at the site for beneficial reuse.

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Press Release, July 23, 2013