Australia: Greens Call for Ban on Dumping on the Reef

Business & Finance

Greens Call for Ban on Dumping on the Reef

The Australian Marine Conservation Society has welcomed the Greens policy to ban dumping in the Reef, stating it would pressure all major parties to adopt a ban.

Felicity Wishart, the Great Barrier Reef campaign director said that the ban was crucial because the government was set to approve the dumping of millions of tonnes of sludge into the waters of the Reef.

We welcome the Greens policy commitments for greater protection of the Great Barrier Reef including the banning of new dredging and dumping in this iconic World Heritage Area.

“Both major parties policies have to date, fallen well short of the World Heritage Committee’s expectations.

“We’ve seen fast tracked approval processes from both LNP and ALP Queensland Governments for mega ports and the dredging and dumping of millions of tonnes in the Reef’s waters.

“Every politician, whoever is in power, should pledge to protect the Reef from rapid uncontrolled industrialisation.

“The Greens work highlighting the threat of dredge dumping in Parliament saw the ALP lend its support to a Senate motion for a ban on the controversial practice.

“Dumping threatens the sensitive feeding and breeding grounds of rare dolphins and dugongs.

“It also threatens a $6 billion tourism industry and 60,000 Reef related tourism jobs, fishing and diving.

“All major parties in this election should be making strong commitments to ensure the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t become a dredge dumping ground and a shipping superhighway, dotted with industrial mega-ports.

“It’s up to all Australians to make sure their government doesn’t dump on the Reef.

“We are calling on all MPs and candidates to sign the pledge to end the dumping on the Reef,” she said.


Press Release, August 19, 2013