Plan for Rosewood Beach Restoration Introduced (USA)

Business & Finance

Plan for Rosewood Beach Restoration Introduced

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, awarded a $7,341,384 contract to John Keno & Company Inc., a certified Small Business Concern, on Sept. 27, 2013, for the Rosewood Beach GLFER project in Highland Park, Ill. Construction is set to begin late fall and end in 2018.

The Corps’ is partnering with the Park District of Highland Park, the nonfederal sponsor, on this Great Lakes Fishery and Ecosystem Restoration (GLFER) project. The project includes constructing new breakwaters with a combination of stone and sheet pile. The new breakwaters will create three beach cells which additional sand will be added to provide structure for dune formation and native plantings.

This project was implemented under the GLFER program which authorizes the Corps to work with other federal, state, local agencies, and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to implement projects that support the restoration of the fishery, ecosystem, and beneficial uses of the Great Lakes. The restoration project at Rosewood Beach includes new breakwaters for dune formation and native plantings, stream daylighting for fish habitat, and bluff and ravine restoration to improve this unique ecosystem.

Funding for this project is being provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and by the Park District of Highland Park. GLRI is a multi-agency initiative that was created by the Obama Administration in 2010. Rosewood Beach will be the 18th restoration project constructed by the Corps with GLRI funding.


Press Release, October 1, 2013