USA: Illinois Coastal Management Grants Announced

Business & Finance

Illinois Coastal Management Grants Announced

Governor Pat Quinn announced more than $730,000 in investments to support local environmental education projects along the Lake Michigan shoreline and in the Millennium Reserve-Calumet region. This announcement is part of Governor Quinn’s agenda to protect our natural resources and ensure a clean and healthy environment for future generations.

“These important investments will protect and manage the incredible natural and cultural resources surrounding our beautiful Lake Michigan,” Governor Quinn said. “They will also involve thousands of students and residents of nearby communities in creating a better environment for all.”

The projects are part of the Illinois Coastal Management Program (ICMP), which was officially formed in 2012 at the direction of Governor Quinn to protect and manage the natural and cultural resources along the 63 miles of Illinois’ Lake Michigan shoreline. The ICMP Coastal Grants are investments of federal funds in environmental education projects that help achieve one or more of the environmental priorities within the Illinois Lake Michigan Coastal Zone.

These priorities include habitat, ecosystems and natural area restoration; priority rivers, lakes and harbors; invasive species; public access and recreation; sustainable development; and economic development.

These projects will help thousands of people to learn more and do more in support of protecting and restoring the natural resources of the Lake Michigan shoreline, and the waterways and natural areas within the Millennium Reserve Calumet Core on Chicago’s south side,” Illinois Department of Natural Resources Director Marc Miller said. The department administers the Illinois Coastal Management Program.


Press Release, October 14, 2013